Friday, December 30, 2011

Universal Work Machine

Universal Work Machine is a machine which will do all the work for humans. 

The Universal Work Machine is a device which can breakdown all matters down to matter's fundamental building blocks.  The fundamental building blocks of matter could be similar to the Planckian particle in principle. 

The Universal Work Machine, henceforth referred to as UWM, will then reassemble the fundamental building blocks of matter into anything one would want.

I could download whatever it is I want from a central server or from a memory device which has all the "schematics" of all objects known to mankind.  For example, if I wanted a plate of steak dinner I would find it on the computer attached to the UWM.  All information necessary to assemble this steak dinner would be downloaded to the UWM.  The information would include not only the shape, texture and taste of the steak dinner but its atomic structures and even the structure of the quarks and other fundamental building blocks of the matters required to put together this steak dinner. 

One could also download other things one would want.  One could also make a pistol, for example, by downloading info necessary to put one together.  One would only need to input some matters, such as dirt, to be used as the raw material needed to make the final product.

The concept of UWM is not unlike that of the computer (the Universal Calculating  Machine).  In calculation machine, one takes information and takes it down to its fundamental building blocks called binary bits and  transform them intoa what you need by simple manipulation of binary calculations.  By this manipulation of binary bits one can transform any information and create any kind of virtual reality one wants.

The UWM does what computers do except it transforms matter into actual reality rather than information into virtual reality. 

Of course, one would need the schematics required to reassemble the fundamental building blocks of matter into a matter one needs for the moment.  This schematics includes not only the shape and design based on our macro world but schematics of the subatomic quantum structure as well. 

The UWM can replicate itself.  It can also make a bigger version of itself.  It can make power generators needed to run itself.  It can make power fuel for the generator too.  So it is self-sufficient.  That is why it is the Ultimate Work Machine.  By having an initial UWM and some power to it, it can create anything one would require. 

The UWM can make anything as long as one has schematics for it.  You can also pay for it by creating money, gold and other precious thing for it using the machine itself (said in half-joking manner).  You could see that once one is in possession of UWM one would no longer "need" anything.  It is because UWM can make anything including replicating itself and the power generator and fuel.  It can also replicate itself so once one has one UWM then infinite number of the machine can be replicated by the original machine and its creations (replications).

So properties of Universal Work Machine are:

1   It can break down all matter into the fundamental building blocks of matter.

2   It can reassemble the fundamental building blocks of matter into anything provided there is a schematic blueprint of the thing you want to build using the UWM.

3   It can replicate itself.

4   It can replicated itself in bigger scale by making parts  for its bigger self.

5   It doesn't need to be bought because it can make money, gold, diamond and other "precious" things.

6   It can make power generators to power itself.

7   It can make fuel for power the generators. 

8   It can make body parts as long as the information needed to recreate body parts were scanned into the memory bank.  (thus enabling longer lifespan..... perhaps perpetual lifespan too once we learn how to transfer consciousness from one body to another)

9   It can make robot workers to do all the physical work related to making this machine work.

Well....  that is about it.  This is my idea and no one else's.

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